Trump and the Jesus Connections 2 – Both use hyperbolic language

2. Both use hyperbolic language

What exactly is hyperbole – pronounced high-pur-ba-lee?

“Hyperbole may be defined as a figure of speech that makes use of EXAGGERATION in order to strongly emphasise a point one is trying to make.  Hyperbolic statements are not usually to be taken literally.”

The Lord Jesus used hyperbolic statements to catch the attention of His listeners.

For instance, when the Lord Jesus declares “Let the dead bury their dead!” Luke 9:60 Its not literal but an emphasis on true discipleship i.e Let the “spiritually” dead bury their own dead!

Likewise, the Matthew 18: 8-9 verses aren’t encouraging disfigurement by literally cutting off our hands and gouging out our eyes! Rather, that as Christ-light, Christ-like followers we should have this kind of uncompromising attitude to sin.

The term “hyperbole” has been swirling around Donald Trump ever since he became president. Commentators use it, journalists use it, when describing him and his antics.

In his book “The art of the Deal” Trump wrote “People want to believe something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular,” he continues “I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration, and a very effective form of promotion.***

But, when it comes to Trump, is there really a thing called “truthful hyperbole”???

In conclusion, the difference is, when Jesus used hyperbolic language he was deliberately exaggerating ( a camel cannot go through the eye of a needle! No matter how much you push! Matthew 19:24). When Trump uses hyperbole, he’s flat-out lying!!! I know more about than anyone else!!” etc. etc.

Interesting that Trump or his ghost writer have used the term “art” as part of the title. Three things come to me 1, art = artful. 2, art = artifice meaning clever or cunning devices or expedients, especially as used to trick or deceive others. 3, art = artificial = fake.

Oh my! Trump never stops telling us who he is!

But, who’s listening?

in the Beloved.

Next time: Connection 3 : Both are chosen..

post notes: Remember what I said in Connection 1 – Trump is both a name and a brand. *** = promotion = brand.